His role is to uphold the Emperor's justice during trials of combat.
Albeit controversial, the approach to potential outsourcing of some IT support services also shows a clear commitment to upholding values during tough times.
No one ate just one (a tradition I upheld during subsequent summers at camp).
But the rebels certainly seemed to be upholding the most recent cease-fire during the last several days.
The Good Spirits do their best to lead us towards goodness and uphold us during our trials, helping us to support them with courage and resignation.
In April 2010, in a controversial ruling, the Brazilian court upheld the use of the amnesty law during the military regime.
On 9 May, the ICC released a report, which upheld the umpires decisions during the match and retained the outcome of the tournament.
In a taste of the sort of opposition the president can expect, Parliament opened today with arguments over which constitution lawmakers would swear to uphold during their swearing-in.
She held strong convictions on social questions, and steadily upheld them as a borough councillor in Chelsea during the last decade of her life.
He was a past pupil of the school and he did an immense service to uphold the educational and the outstanding features of the school during his period.