In it, he upheld legislation proposed by the The Grange (organization) to regulate grain elevator rates, declaring that business interests (private property) used for public good be regulated by government.
The Superior Court of Justice is responsible for upholding federal legislation and treaties.
In its early days, Professor Kramer points out, the Supreme Court repeatedly upheld such expansive federal legislation as the establishment of the Bank of the United States.
The Supreme Court applied the liberty of contract doctrine sporadically over the next three decades, but generally upheld reformist legislation as being within the states' police power.
To the delight of progressives, labor reformers, and left-wing observers, Furman also upheld anti-trust legislation as a legitimate protection of the working people of Oklahoma:
However, in the Tasmanian Dams case (1983), a majority of the court upheld federal environmental legislation under the power.
Muller had upheld special legislation "to secure [to women] a real equality of right."
Justice White dissented, stating that the majority overlooked such factors as convenience, judicial economy, and considerations of fairness in order to rigidly uphold legislation.
In addition, as guardian of the Treaties, the Commission is under an obligation to uphold existing European legislation, in respect of data protection in this case.
Justice Holmes used it to uphold social legislation, like child labor laws, against those who argue that the state could not restrict the use of private property.