Chapters uphold these ideals through participation in various social, academic, and athletic, and charity events.
Civil Rights: Tort law can be used to uphold civil rights through the court system.
Its purpose was to define the perfect woman as upholding social norms through the values of chastity, obedience, and silence.
The Marquis argues that repression is the only lasting philosophy, and swears to uphold the honor of his family through cruelty.
The newspaper upholds a liberal and moderate editorial policy through its editorials and contents.
We, the keepers of kingship, are ever vigilant for those who would do violence to that which we have vowed to uphold through all things.
Today, the community continues to uphold Olmsted's vision through community association regulations.
He recognizes the proper role of judges in upholding the democratic choices of the people through their elected representatives, with constitutional constraints.
Cillie' upheld the apartheid system through many pro-segregation editorials until the very end.
The government is committed to upholding accountability for breaches of international humanitarian law through full and fair investigations by the parties.