But to get the discount on upholstered pieces, you must buy three (and this doesn't mean three ottomans).
The upholstered pieces are made of beech and stuffed with horsehair.
The furniture was dark wood and the upholstered pieces were comfortable but unmemorable.
Prices range from $200 for the mirror to about $4,000 for upholstered pieces.
And we have wooden furniture because the rains would come in and ruin upholstered pieces.
Then they work seamlessly with antiques or sit comfortably with new upholstered pieces.
More expensive, yes, but they create an instantly upholstered piece.
I've seen them tear fine upholstered pieces to shreds.
They shopped instead for a soft upholstered piece, and a relationship was born.
The consumer usually never sees the construction features of an upholstered piece, but they are important.