The song is an electronic dance tune with uplifting lyrics of empowerment.
The songs were written to ensure they would translate well in a concert setting, and the band strove to write more uplifting lyrics than those on their previous album.
"Ai Araba It's All Right" had uplifting lyrics (as would be expected, with the title), and a cheery dance sequence.
Additionally, 360 symbolizes the wholeness that they believe should have as they listen to the inspirational music, which contains positive and uplifting lyrics.
Their positive, uplifting lyrics have made the group forerunners of alternative hip hop and jazz hip hop.
It received positive reviews from music critics, who complimented the surprisingly restrained vocals from Dion and its uplifting lyrics.
The song is an aggressive rock number with an uplifting lyric to a person who has been discouraged by love.
The album features more positive and uplifting lyrics in comparison with Green Day's earlier work.
Critics also commended the uplifting lyrics and Knowles' confident vocal delivery.
Her choice of music, the uplifting lyrics, suddenly took on a deeper meaning.