In a scrape, some upmarket hotels may also change money, usually at well below the bank rate.
Many upmarket hotels are reporting occupancy rates of less than 20 percent.
But all that is beginning to change as upmarket hotels open around the country.
There was fresh fighting along a street of upmarket hotels overnight, which saw the first death among the soldiers.
The plan was to convert the building from its current use, an office block, back into an upmarket hotel.
Many of the city's upmarket hotels are located in this district.
It is considered to be an upmarket hotel for the region.
The fresh fighting overnight along a street of upmarket hotels saw the first death among the soldiers, officials said.
So to remedy this state of affairs, they're holding the festival at an upmarket hotel.
Many of the upmarket hotels levy a 10% service charge, but this doesn't always make it to the staff.