It is, rather, the necessary precondition for the implementation of real educational reform based upon local initiative and local control.
This scenario is becoming increasingly likely, but its impact upon signalling and control remains indeterminate.
It remains a conservative model, based upon control and hierarchy.
In his insistence upon total control, his photographs reflect the austerity of some of the most widely discussed art of the past few years.
Richter's life, like his work, depends upon absolute control, and there is something both elegant and alarming about that condition.
The stories reflect upon control, power, domination and alienation, depicting scenes full of brutality or sexually explicit.
After decades of work with various biofeedback mechanisms, Toomim accidentally stumbled upon conscious control of cerebral blood flow in 1994.
Phoenicia's and Egypt's power, Carthage's and even Rome's depended in no mean way upon control of the seas.
He insisted upon control of the hospital, but the flibustiers refused, considering this humiliating.
It is conservative to insist upon local control of schools and set high standards insist upon and results.