Our mission is to sink the Destiny II immediately upon detection.
This system shows activity increases upon detection of salient targets, especially when they appear in unexpected locations.
According to the records, normal Achuultani tactics should have been to destroy the array immediately upon detection.
Upon detection of the hormone, its production ceases.
Reflective and Camera technologies do not perform well on moving swing doors, because they typically depend upon detection of changes in the background.
Upon detection of such error(s) the bearer may be required to sing the Gaudie.
Bans are enforced by servers immediately upon detection of cracks or cheats, usually without human intervention.
The massive doors which should have shut the Defense Center off from the outside world upon detection of the spaceport explosion hadn't worked.
The penalty is suspension upon initial detection for 30 days, which amounted in this case to one preseason and three regular season games.
Very few control mechanisms exist for the disease, and they rely upon early detection and proper disposal of infected plant material.