The book has been updated in 1999 and contains three new chapters, drawing upon material from Z magazine and other publications.
The saga is thought to have been based upon poetry, oral tradition, and other written material.
Yet we were able to impose upon such unpromising material not only the personality, but the genius, of a great composer.
It seems probable that the band's lack of continuing success may be a consequence of their dependency upon material associated with other performers.
While children can come upon explicit material simply by turning on a television, computer users must actively search out the material they want to see.
His music drew upon popular material, particularly emphasizing jazz, which he considered a revitalizing element in American music.
The histories of Alyria are based upon several official stories as well as player-contributed material.
This autobiography was based upon handwritten material composed by Blowsnake in the syllabary.
However, in the expansion it is not always clear whether the author is drawing upon extra-biblical material or his own imagination.
Perpetual copyright would create a significant disincentive to the creation of new literary or artistic works which build upon older material.