Critics, however, often seized upon his style, or lack thereof.
"I just want to continue to build upon my style and develop that style to the best of my abilities."
The character and set designs were based upon Chris Sanders' personal artistic style.
What is appropriate to a given dance always depends upon that work's style and intent.
Many Greek artists of this period also drew upon El Greco's style for inspiration, particularly when creating art based on religious themes.
With this album, the band expanded upon their slow, crunching style of music by adding strings, keyboards and more complex orchestral arrangements.
The artists who followed him including his son improved upon his style and methods.
He hit upon his proud-to-be-mundane style toward the end of the decade.
After practice, he was asked if he thought that general managers around the league might frown upon his style.
Typefaces based upon their style of writing appear late in the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century.