Lay herbalists and traditional indigenous medicine people generally rely upon apprenticeship and recognition from their communities in lieu of formal schooling.
(c) A sentry armed with a pistol, on a post which does not require challenging, will, upon recognition of an officer, render the hand salute.
Upon query and recognition by the Arkonide Ground Control, Rhodan gave orders to land.
According to this, the existence of a state does not depend upon recognition by other states.
Upon recognition of the power of colonization over both societies, Cardinal foresaw a bridge of understanding between them.
The look relaxed upon recognition to show the same kind of weariness Ellen was feeling.
Mr President, the common legal area is based upon mutual recognition.
We therefore argue that the commencement of negotiations cannot be conditional upon recognition, but recognition must be forthcoming at some point during their course.
The adrenaline rush she'd initially experienced upon first recognition plummeted, leaving her numb and chilled to the bone.
Upon recognition, the phagocyte reorganizes its cytoskeleton for engulfment of the cell.