Our whole economy depends upon harmonious relations with them, and anything which runs the risk of driving them from the plantations cannot be tolerated.
Bad Group Rights (internal restrictions) are rules imposed by the group upon intra-group relations.
This did not, however, have any immediate effect upon German relations with other European powers.
Q. And it is true that the well-being of Country 2 is very much dependent upon good relations with the United States?
Such a motion, based upon close harmonic relations, offers "undoubtedly the most common and the strongest of all harmonic progressions".
McGregor's approach suggests that motivation also depends upon relations with others as well as the individual's own nature.
Suggest that his scheme for continental transportation in South America is dependent primarily upon favorable international relations.
Amber immediately saw the implications upon human relations, and knew the horror that Ebon felt at the idea of a physical confrontation with the renegades.
It was all foolishness, but that foolishness excited the public mind, affected persons in high places, and touched upon international relations.
At bottom, interests theories define the scope of loss redistribution which the law imposes as a tax upon economic relations.