Each individual toss will contribute a different mix of materials depending upon the activity associated with that particular toss.
Depending upon the daily physical activity the woman might require, the augmentation mammoplasty patient usually resumes her normal life activities at about 1-week post-operative.
The word boycott had not yet been coined; colonists referred to their economic protests as, depending upon the specific activity, "non-importation", "non-exportation", or "non-consumption".
Hill walking with a pack in variable weather conditions or road cycling is also recommended depending upon the activity you plan to undertake.
A great deal of tension is provided by the masculine presence hovering over Cindy, or standing beside her at shoulder height, depending upon the activity at hand.
Indeed the contingency approach to organisations would argue that, depending upon the dominant activity, an organisation should consist of different sub-cultures reflecting different activities.
The reduction reaction is carried out at different temperatures and pressures depending upon the substrate and the activity of the catalyst.