Upon withdrawal, the 10 percent penalty is not assessed on any appreciation in the shares because no gains have yet been realized.
By default a partnership will terminate upon the death, disability, or even withdrawal of any one partner.
Upon graduation or withdrawal from the program, volunteers would pay back each year of tuition they received with six months of service.
Upon withdrawal it had 1-0-18 record and 4-49 goals difference.
The action is usually inhibitory and reversible upon withdrawal of the drug.
Following this, it was disbanded on 31 October 1964 upon withdrawal from overseas detachment.
This may be upon intoxication, for a more prolonged period after use, or upon withdrawal.
Nondeductible contributions are not subject to tax upon withdrawal.
Only interest, dividends and other amounts earned on the money will be taxed upon withdrawal.
Upon withdrawal, he sustained his fatal wound to the head.