He spent his early years as a monk at the monastery of Qenneshrin on the upper Euphrates near Antioch.
Bar-Salibi was, like Bar-Hebraeus, a native of Malatia on the upper Euphrates.
Suppiluliuma then recounts how the land of Ishuwa on the upper Euphrates had seceded in the time of his grandfather.
The Persians maintained a large army stationed near the upper Euphrates, close to the border.
Yes, she set out with Antonius and his gigantic army as they marched for the upper Euphrates!
Nisibis on the upper Euphrates remained in Roman hands for several decades after the end of the war.
He undertook a campaign against the Danishmendid emirate in Malatya on the upper Euphrates from 1130 to 1135.
The majority of settlements were concentrated in Lydia, northern Syria, the upper Euphrates and Media.
He assembled a very large army, some 70,000 fighting men and 100,000 in total according to al-Tabari, and invaded Arab territory around the upper Euphrates almost unopposed.
In 949 the Byzantines conquered Germanicea, repeatedly defeated the enemy armies, and in 952 they crossed the upper Euphrates.