This test is also known as an upper GI (gastrointestinal) series or a barium swallow.
Simultaneously, his upper GI seemed to explode as well, and the former golf pro doubled over, vomiting on the tiles.
An upper GI - a series of x-rays taken after you drink a substance called barium.
Had me an upper GI done.
A number of medications are found to cause upper GI bleeds.
Liver function's off the chart, and he's bleeding out big-time in the upper GI.
Three of the winos died that day, all from internal bleeds in the upper GI.
Killgore wondered if she had a genetic abnormality in her upper GI maybe some vulnerability to peptic ulcer disease?
If the aspirate is positive, an upper GI bleed is greater than 50%, but not high enough to be certain.