One of them was on the upper Mississippi 1855-1856, noticed at Saint Paul both years.
It also protects the site of one of the earliest encampments by European explorers in the upper Mississippi.
In the same year, he joined Zebulon Pike's expedition which explored the upper Mississippi.
The upper Mississippi and some of the Ohio basin is the semi-arid prairie region, with trees originally only along the watercourses.
Most tows push 15 barges up and down the upper Mississippi at a time - the equivalent of 870 tractor-trailers on the Interstate.
Historically, the species was rare to nonexistent in the upper Mississippi, probably due to a lack of proper habitat.
In comparison, they say, the upper Mississippi is a farm road.
So long as the British conspired with the tribes of the upper Mississippi and the Missouri, fur parties would keep their distance.
Still too far, and rumor had it that the best scenery on the upper Mississippi was above Dubuque, Iowa.
Twenty-three new locks and dams were built on the upper Mississippi in the 1930s in addition to the three already in existence.