More specifically, after exponentiation each Jordan block will be an upper triangular block.
The upper block was given a cap of artificial sandstone and was treated with water-repellant chemicals.
Cantilevered concrete beams will support the two upper blocks, whose end sections splay out over the street.
By pivoting the upper block around the hinge point, the volume of the combustion chamber can be modified.
Thus in the upper block there are 2 3 codes available to the decoder that won't trigger an increase in code width.
Without the lead support, each course will sag under the weight of the upper blocks.
First, workers ripped down the old market buildings in the upper block.
It is the only clamshell to use the upper block for the display, and the lower for input.
The lower block was sold away for housing and the upper block became a hospital for the mentally handicapped.
And my Master's upper block is so powerful, it's been known to shatter swords.