His best playing came in slow passages, when he could shape a poised, sensitive line without having to sustain it in the upper positions.
Three, the ribber needles must be moved to the upper working position using the P carriage before transferring the stitches.
Set an oven rack in the upper middle position.
He may not have the forward-sounding, world-class brilliance of his international colleagues, but the upper positions at the end were perfectly tuned and very affecting.
Without the chin rest, shifting into upper positions or back down from higher positions often resulted in the musician losing control of the violin.
Great nicety of control was called for, especially as a tank approached the upper position.
He had some pitch problems in the upper positions, as all double bassists seem to have, but otherwise proved himself a firm and fluent technician.
Now move one of the set (cam or ET) levers to the upper position.
Plank: Hold the upper position of a push-up.
After the table returns to its upper position, the sweep also lifts, and the machine shuts down to await the next ball.