Unlike many other immigrants, Irish women preferred domestic work because it was constantly in great demand among middle- and upper-class American households.
There may be prestige differences between different upper-class households.
Living in an upper-class household in Lima for several months made me aware of the depth of contempt these men feel for the indigenous Andean peoples.
The horror of Lisa's death and the live television coverage of the trial, experts said, helped raise consciousness about child abuse in middle- and upper-class households.
Wexford's understanding of human nature is further tested when he tries to uncover the secrets of an upper-class household from which a third, much younger child has also been kidnapped.
For she had learned long ago of the mistrust and fear these upper-class households felt for "her kind" with whom they were surrounded.
When dampened by monsoon rains, the mats give off a sweet, perfumed smell long popular in upper-class Indian households.
In this book Shaarawi recalls her childhood and early adult life in the seclusion of an upper-class Egyptian household, including her marriage at age thirteen.
The man who had brought the message, though no samurai, was obviously the servant of an upper-class household.
"Ironic, sentimentally unholy", the painting is interpreted as a commentary on both Linde's upper-class household (where Munch was staying at the time) and Munch's own "pietistic home background".