The district began as a neighborhood for upper-class residents, and quickly became a preferred place to live in New Albany.
And while most of the town's poor are black, many of its middle- and upper-class residents are black as well.
Papadiamantopoulos was an upper-class resident of Patras before the revolution broke out.
Continued development of new suburban housing attracted middle and upper-class residents, leaving the city with a higher proportion of poor.
He said some of the growing outcry about security comes from upper-class residents who have lived comfortably in the hills overlooking Port-au-Prince.
Cities suffered for decades, after all, and lost middle- and upper-class residents.
Census data show that it is a solid mix of working, middle- and upper-class residents.
It is a popular residential area for the mid- or upper-class residents in Seoul.
Evergreen is designed for upper-class residents, it features apartment and suite-style living.
However, the working-class Moreros soon realize they do not fit in with the upper-class residents of het Gooi.