In the 1990s, RTÉ produced a sitcom called Upwardly Mobile about a working-class family who won the Lotto and moved to an upper-middle-class area.
The newest upper-middle-class residential areas reflect the original plan, but are much less intimate.
The burglaries have been focused on an upper-middle-class area of about 130,000 people, at least seven percent of them Asian-Americans, one of the biggest concentrations in the state.
"We like to buy properties in upper-middle-class areas, and Jeff can bring in an outstanding product at a very good price."
"People here regard government as a vending machine," said Frank Benest, the city manager of Brea, an upper-middle-class area at the northern edge of the county.
But most Japanese go to the shrines in their own neighborhoods, like Sengen Shrine, in an upper-middle-class area of southern Tokyo.
"This is an upper-middle-class area," said Herman Epstein, owner of Hartsdale Pharmacy in Westchester County.
I live in an upper-middle-class area, and at that point in my life, I was supposed to go play tennis.
It is an upper-middle-class area and includes a small "village-like" strip along scenic Cordova Bay Road.
Until the Morris Heights center opened, almost all were in middle- and upper-middle-class areas.