She and her husband, a doctor, have a daughter, Samantha, and live an upper-middle-class life in Scarsdale.
So are her friends and the comfortable accouterments of her upper-middle-class life.
Although it took a long time for McDonough's mother to stop clipping coupons, the family eventually assumed a solidly upper-middle-class life.
The cars in these parking lots are among the signs of the middle- and upper-middle-class lives that many had before moving into the subsidized housing.
The lawyer said her clients, who are residing in Los Angeles until the case is decided, live an upper-middle-class life in Thailand.
I grew up without much money in a blue-collar town; my wife and I have been able to give our children an upper-middle-class life.
The Hubbells lived in strict accordance with the conventions governing upper-middle-class life in Little Rock.
What ensues is a Dostoyevskian unraveling of a white upper-middle-class life.
He was born into, and still enjoys, an upper-middle-class life.
Not a lot, but enough to close the gap between the barely middle-class lifestyle afforded by a government wage and the upper-middle-class life to which she was accustomed.