Neighbors on the upstairs floors climbed out of their windows to see what the fuss was about.
No fire could spread from here to the upstairs floors: there are nine metres of concrete separating us.
The upstairs floors were used as storage rooms, the proof being their barred windows.
They can walk upside-down, but most brown recluses walking on ceilings have probably come from the upstairs floor.
They find it "inappropriate" and go to upstairs floors.
The preschool occupies the upstairs floor of a house of worship, which means that I now got to church several times week.
The upstairs floor is reserved living quarters for the head of Outdoor Recreation.
Now, we're trying to decide how to remodel the upstairs floors.
Garfield, conscious but in shock, was carried to an upstairs floor of the train station.
Duffey had reinforced the upstairs floors to take the weight of it.