The second floor was designed for residential apartments, which were entered through a separate entrance opening on a stairway leading to an upstairs lobby, access halls, and stairs to the attic.
In the original building, two rooms opposite each other in the upstairs lobby served as a kitchen and sitting room.
After finishing at the Hiroshima exhibit, the group went up two flights of escalators to the upstairs lobby.
In the upstairs lobby, walls and floor are painted screeching orange, a vibrant color at once tropical citrus grove and toxic defoliant.
There is no fixed division between the upstairs lobby and the auditorium.
The box office is located in the upstairs lobby.
MEANWHILE, Superlo had reached the upstairs lobby.
The loud buzz of conversation from the upstairs lobby was muffled and indistinct.
As he crosses the smaller upstairs lobby toward the stairs ) unaccompanied blind men never use escalators), he sees a woman in a red blazer coming toward him.
Correspondent One of our Boldface team, from her perch at the foot of the escalator, watched Ms. Romijn-Stamos walk briskly through the upstairs lobby without stopping.