The rip-rap on the upstream face of the dam was also repaired in 1999 and 2000.
Riprap was laid on the upstream face of the dam beginning November 9 of that year.
On the upstream face, the river-bed was paved with large stone slabs, probably to prevent the current from undermining the dam base.
On the upstream face the dams have a stone wall (a so-called Tarrasmauer) to guard against waves.
An impervious clay membrane was laid in the upstream face to provide continuity with the 1877 embankment.
Its upstream face was reinforced with concrete in 1929.
When the upstream face is sloped the distribution is more complicated.
The upstream face of the dam was also coated in asphalt for protection against water.
All five piers are strengthened on the upstream face by pointed cutwaters.
With the fast drawdown, slumping appeared on the upstream face.