Originally, levees were only on the upstream portion of the city, leaving the downstream side vulnerable to floods.
The upstream portion of the impoundment is swampy and the shoreline is largely forested.
The upstream portion of the Little River remains free flowing.
The upstream portion of its course runs roughly parallel to U.S. Highway 231.
Siltation can fill a reservoir and reduce its capacity to control floods along with causing additional horizontal pressure on the upstream portion of the dam.
Stream capture occurs when an upstream portion of one river drainage is diverted to the downstream portion of an adjacent basin.
By 1966, the upstream portion to Wadi Zarqa was completed.
The upstream portion of the river above the other dam is Montello Lake.
The rhithron is the upstream portion of the river that follows the crenon.
When a distribution network is complex and covers a larger area, emergency actions taken downstream may reduce burden on upstream portions of the network.