For either event, cavitation occurs on the upstream side of valve.
There are a variety of supply chain models, which address both the upstream and downstream sides.
The upstream side has new masonry which blends in with the older structure.
We moved to the upstream side of the shoal (where I had lost my fish the day before).
This is especially true of rocks that are undercut on the upstream side.
On the upstream side of the dam, though, the water had risen, and Arthur expected it would start to flow over the top any second.
The intake entry into the sluice is on the upstream side.
The structure is 22 feet tall, though possesses only a 8 inch over 3 foot grade on the upstream side.
We've got a stretch over fifty meters long between shale and water on the upstream side.
They had shattered the concrete and parted the cable on the upstream side.