About 40 uptown galleries held an open house last night.
The story goes that a partner in an uptown gallery invited him to lunch a while ago.
In this case, uptown galleries might well take note.
A conduit to the uptown galleries, it broke up because of its members' success.
This weekend brings five more solo shows to uptown galleries that feature painters from this fertile period.
Yet certain motifs recur, and so the presentation at the uptown gallery is arranged more or less thematically.
Double hung around the gallery's big second-floor space, the show resembles the back room of a fancy uptown gallery multiplied to the power of 10.
In this last city, he had his first exhibition in an uptown gallery.
Her uptown gallery, not the SoHo branch where, Ellen Cherry knew, all the action was.
When they pulled up in front of the small, uptown gallery, her stomach began doing calisthenics.