The snout is quite short, the eyes fairly large, and both jaws of the upturned mouth hold small teeth.
Their upturned mouths give them the appearance of smiling.
The head is small and dorsally flattened, with a small, upturned mouth.
The rudd has an upturned mouth allowing it to feed easily at the top of the water.
Also the upturned mouth is visible even in young fish.
The eyes are large (out of proportion in younger specimens) and the upturned mouth is huge.
They have large eyes, a considerably upturned mouth, and a head noticeably flattened on top.
The fish has a flat head and an upturned (superior) mouth.
With their upturned mouths, dolphins look like they are always grinning.
She leaned close against the man, who put an arm about her and, bending, kissed her upturned mouth.