And with farm states up for grabs in a close Presidential election, even urban Democrats who might be expected to raise a fuss are mute.
But the more he pushes, the more fiercely the Northern, urban Democrats will fight.
Many of these restrictive spending categories have been devised over the years by urban Democrats trying to funnel more money to city schools.
On Election Day, millions of urban Democrats will go to the polls expecting victory and dramatic change in Washington.
This municipal service, he explained, was part of the "civil contract" that urban Democrats offered.
For decades, opponents of the water subsidies, mostly urban Democrats, were brushed aside by politically savvy farmers.
Moreover, many urban Democrats have attacked some of Mr. Casey's budget proposals.
Mr. Smyre said that the rift between white rural and urban black Democrats appeared to have been healed.
Many of the special streams of revenue have been devised over the years by urban Democrats trying to funnel more money to schools in cities.
Now, going into primary elections on Tuesday, the urban Democrats are in danger of losing even more ground.