Tellingly, the median income for urban male Indians was $1,198 a year, in contrast to $3,780 for the white male population.
In different cases, near-ruins are being bought by urban Indians, expertly restored and filled with antiques.
Housing projects, once known only to urban Indians, are now common across the land.
In Washington, one particular family of Sinixt have figured prominently among recent-day "urban Indians".
Housing Crunch Failure is, in fact, what most often happens to urban Indians.
It is clear that the number of urban Indians is increasing.
Furthermore, compared to the general population, urban Indians have:
At the same time, many of Seattle's urban Indians were concerned to gain a land base within the city.
Even if gainfully employed, many urban Indians wrestle with their connection to their past.
Another difficulty for urban Indians is that the public perception of them is rarely to their liking.