House Democrats had kept it off the schedule until domestic measures like extended unemployment benefits and urban aid were dealt with.
A rethinking of how urban aid is to be organized is in order.
Last week he used it - veto No. 37 - to kill a $27 billion urban aid and tax bill.
I can also tell him that urban aid of £9.7 million has been made available over the years for homelessness projects in Scotland.
This is why the nation's mayors marched on Washington and pleaded all year for their seven-point $35 billion program of urban aid.
The nation's mayors and unions organized a large march on Washington for more urban aid in the spring.
And it depends how much is to be spent on enterprise zones and related urban aid.
If there were any priority in that area, it should be urban aid for Holyhead.
New Jersey currently spends $2 million a year in urban aid, and the Governor said that figure would not be increased any time soon.
And who is going to pay for all this new urban aid?