The Harris-matrix is a tool to depict complex stratigraphic relations when they are found, for example, in the contexts of urban archaeology.
"If you're talking about the industrial waterfront, it's a really beautiful piece of urban archaeology," he said.
In 1966, he and several other professors at New York University created the country's first graduate department in urban archaeology.
Household wastes were often simply thrown out the window, buried in the garden or deposited in outhouses (see more at urban archaeology).
His interest in urban archaeology began with a college course around the time of the World Trade Center excavations.
(The site has recently been the object of urban archaeology.)
"It's like urban archaeology," he said.
The collection is divided into different rooms representing three divisions of archaeological methodology: ground, urban and underwater archaeology, with dioramas, audiovisual and interactive zones.
Photography, music, urban archaeology, historical loitering, guerilla raconteur, oil painting in the third person, nonmaterialist for-hire.
In urban archaeology this grid becomes invaluable for implementing single context recording.