Such sculptures were the work of urban artisans, and the most typical subject for three dimensional small staues is the Virgin Mary alone or with child.
The desire for stylish luxuries fueled the demand for imported goods and inspired both urban and rural artisans to develop the skills to rival foreign craftsmanship.
The Democrats began as the party of Western farmers and urban artisans.
It originally attracted peasants, urban artisans, the lower military, and ethnic minorities.
In much of the pre-industrial world the guild system protected the privileges and trade secrets of urban artisans.
For urban artisans the receiving of a handed-down leisure product is at least plausible, but in the countryside where no significant group mediated between patrician and pleb, it is much less so.
Against the sometimes successful upward negotiation of wages by some groups of urban artisans must be set the long persistence of "customary" rates in other trades.
Both handicraft production - the great bulk of which was done by village peasants rather than urban artisans - and the major light industries, headed by textiles and sugar, expanded fast.
SURES also work with urban artisans, the majority of them coming from Concepción.
In the Elizabethan period, it was used between equals, especially to a group ("My masters"), mainly by urban artisans and tradespeople.