This would originally have been a favourite food of the affluent farmer, which later reached the tables of the urban bourgeoisie and typical restaurants.
The urban bourgeoisie - the original base of Vargas' coalition - had little use for Brazilian populism any more, having outgrown state planning and having lost its autonomy.
He was a pure Aqua-Velva man, a humble foil to the new urban haute bourgeoisie with their flashy cars and beach houses.
(Whit Stillman would have classified him as a U.H.B. - his term for the urban haute bourgeoisie - rather than a full-fledged member of the upper class.)
Usually referred to as popular art, the work was produced, often on commission, for an urban African bourgeoisie, in this case in the Congolese city of Lubumbashi, and for a foreign clientele.
Under Pol Pot, the urban bourgeoisie suffered more than the peasantry.
The Beurnier-Rossel mansion, located opposite St. Martin's church, near the Town Hall, stands as a witness to the life-style of the urban bourgeoisie during the 18h and 19th centuries.
The prints in question are ukiyo-e, or floating world pictures, first produced in Japan in the 17th century for a pleasure-seeking urban bourgeoisie.
The Muslim Brotherhood first appeared in Egypt between the two world wars, as a reaction to the Europeanization of the urban bourgeoisie since the turn of the century.
Mentally he belongs to the small urban bourgeoisie, and he happens to be an exceptionally fine specimen of this class, with all the 'points', as it were, very highly developed.