Catalina Severa knows a thing or two about urban chaos.
Tawaraya is a place of serenity within urban chaos.
A 1988 review in The New York Times described the band's sound as "mood music for urban chaos."
Interior construction work can be an expensive lesson in urban chaos and union muscle.
The name is appropriate for a land that switches seamlessly between urban chaos, golden beaches, and forest green mountains.
In the gray of urban chaos, there it is, innocence and simplicity, in a black-and-white cookie.
In Medellín, a city known the world over for its violence, the Comuna 13 district may be the epitome of urban chaos.
At the other extreme is the eager embrace of urban chaos, masquerade, and color.
The house has been compared to an oasis with high walls to keep out the "urban chaos."
She thought how impossible it would be to hear the tinkle of a wind chime in what suddenly seemed to be urban chaos.