Other issues that generate strong debate among urban designers are tensions between peripheral growth, housing density and new settlements.
The Commission is supported by a professional staff of planners, architects, urban designers, historic preservation officers, among others.
Robert Tavernor is also a practicing architect and urban designer.
Cooper said in a 1985 interview that: "An urban designer is someone who designs, rather than plans, major pieces of cities.
But unlike the High Line, which is likely to become what urban designers call a linear park, the piers will never be useful again.
This more theoretical aspect should provide a better basis for urban designers and transport planners considering personal security issues.
Mr. Trocme, an urban designer, wrote it all down, and smiled.
Diana Balmori is an internationally renowned landscape and urban designer.
As interest in the concept of place has increased since the 1970s, urban designers and planners have accordingly become more focused on issues of character.
Marilyn Taylor is an urban designer who reaches out for new information with great assurance to further a project in hand.