The result is that the modern exurb has more daytime residents than the suburbs did a generation ago, urban experts say.
Given the mixed picture, few urban experts buy the notion that Newark has completed its rise from decades of poverty and neglect.
The quick turnaround for the city supports the view of many urban experts that the fiscal crisis was more political than financial.
But the other governments can no longer help, urban experts say.
Other urban experts say suburban development is the price for creating the world's first mass middle class.
Private-sector leadership failed the city as well, urban experts say.
That would be completely unthinkable, urban experts and participants in the rebuilding plans say.
In fact, some urban experts here argue there has been little real growth but rather a shift from the older buildings to the new.
The solution to such mismatches, some urban experts say, is to bring the jobs and the housing closer together.
She was named one of the world's 50 most important urban experts by a leading European think tank.