He said that urban homesteading had helped to stabilize neighborhoods, while influencing private renovations.
This brought in a period of local urban homesteading where tax delinquent properties on the city level were included in the program.
In 2008, the Dervaes filed to trademark the terms "urban homestead" and "urban homesteading," among others.
The loans helped tenants rehabilitate their own buildings and abandoned structures, in what came to be known as urban homesteading.
According to author John Seymour, "urban homesteading" incorporates small-scale, sustainable agriculture and homemaking.
Mr. Lee calls this urban homesteading; the city calls it squatting and periodically tries to evict the residents.
Critics also point out that past experiments with urban homesteading haven't gotten far.
Certainly, enterprise zones, urban homesteading and other proposals are not a substitute for a strong social safety net.
I no longer derive much satisfaction from living among the trendy hordes, and the area no longer qualifies for urban homesteading.
That approach might include urban homesteading and designating "enterprise zones" for special tax advantages .