Past the single-point urban interchange at SR-268, the interstate turns northwest and loses another lane.
It intersects Interstate 55 at the state's only single-point urban interchange (photo).
After the structure tops out, the single-point urban interchange begins at exit 309 on I-15.
Florida State Road 60 is the site of the world's first Single-point urban interchange.
A single-point urban interchange occurs with I-15 at exit 297.
Beyond a single-point urban interchange at California Avenue, the freeway continues north.
The single-point urban interchange is expected to be completed in 2014.
From there, it crosses southeast under the interstate via a single-point urban interchange.
Construction to convert the junction into a single-point urban interchange began in mid-2008 and was completed on September 12, 2010.
The parkway will have traffic lights at the single-point urban interchange.