Importantly, the study revealed that poverty in Britain was widespread, and not simply confined to the sprawling urban metropolis of London.
As governor, he contributed to the development of Riyadh from a mid-sized town into a major urban metropolis.
At its height, in the 6th and 7th centuries, Caracol was a major urban metropolis, with over 100, 000 residents.
It is an urban metropolis with over 8 million inhabitants.
In Japan, though, the trend extends to remarkable lengths, for pretty bits are still losing people to urban metropolises that are jammed.
Howells was known for his deep anxiety about industrialism and finance, and the growth of the urban metropolis.
In geographical terms, a rural environment as opposed to an urban metropolis would yield different results.
Genie, however, feels like a village when compared to Compuserve's urban metropolis.
New York to me represents the quintessential urban metropolis.