From 1603, Keere began on large urban panoramas, including Utrecht, Cologne, Amsterdam and Paris.
Also, atypically for Rastrelli, the palace does not feature a park; nor is the parade yard closed, rather it faces the urban panorama.
I felt like a sky giant beaming down on a small model of the urban panorama, almost as if I could pick up a building and place it somewhere else.
Mr. Downes is represented by urban panoramas that appear to be based on photographs taken with a fisheye lens.
In warm weather he could be found on the roof of his apartment house on the Upper West Side, sometimes with a glass of wine in hand, always gazing out at the urban panorama below.
There are three dining areas, and a glass-enclosed sidewalk terrace up front affords an animated urban panorama.
It's a deft way to create an urban panorama, and Gaffney's lovingly precise descriptions of Victorian engineering, underground "dirt-catchers" and cooked-gravel street paving will fascinate most readers.
A glass-enclosed sidewalk terrace affords an animated urban panorama.
Like a minimalist descendant of the painted urban panoramas that flourished in the 19th century, the Blur Building aestheticized that which familiarity has rendered invisible.
Mr. Smith, an actor who makes his screenwriting debut with "Falling Down," has created a most effective urban panorama with a minimum of exposition.