According to Christopher Clark, 54 percent of the area's and 75 percent of the urban populace were ethnic German Protestants.
But the aim was also to isolate the other: the downtrodden urban populace, among whom radical ideas festered.
According to Christopher Clark 54 percent of the area and 75 percent of the urban populace were German-speaking Protestants.
Amongst the settled urban populace the authority of tribal elders still remains a strong influence, though not as dominant as it is amongst the nomads.
Those under 19 years old now make up about 40 percent of the urban populace in underdeveloped nations, compared with less than 30 percent in industrialized countries, according to the fund.
Thanks to inherently diverse nature of Bokaro's urban populace, Chira Chas residents hail from different states and regions, epitomizing unity in diversity.
All were designed to provide recreation and diversion for the fast growing urban populace.
While the Chinese government maintained their support for Arab states, a general pro-Jewish outlook has been observed amongst China's urban populace.
As a result, the very urban populace the nationalists attempted to protect inevitably turned against the nationalist troops, thus contributing to the eventual downfall of the nationalist regime.
And what else was there for an urban populace to eat in time of famine?