It wasn't the urban proletariat which supported them most, instead it were agricultural workers, who were the first to support the League.
The reaction of the urban proletariat was natural; one cannot safely deduce from it any decisive change in attitude towards death and survival.
This agreement had the side effect of lending the Carrancistas legitimacy with the urban proletariat.
It departs from Leninism in that the revolutionaries are peasants, instead of the urban proletariat.
He was every bit as much a part of the urban proletariat here as he had been at the steel mill back in Toledo.
There also developed a growing urban proletariat and an increasingly influential Latvian bourgeoisie.
Highest priority was given to the urban proletariat for whom a welfare state was created.
Vargas could unite with all sectors of the landed elites, however, to control the urban proletariat and the peasantry.
The urban industrial proletariat, meanwhile, kept up continuous pressure for wage increases.
As both scriptwriter and director, he captured the distinctive broad-toned jargon of a new urban proletariat.