But the urban renaissance was uneven in the bigger cities, those with more than 100,000 people.
This became the turning point and the gold standard for an imaginative urban renaissance based on Heinz's theory that the arts lead the way to economic development.
"However, the economic downturn has slowed and in some cases reversed progress - a reminder that any urban renaissance is fragile."
The property, which constitutes several city blocks, is chiefly credited for West Palm's urban renaissance.
"However, this is an important day as together these developments are set to change the face of St Helens and continue to deliver its urban renaissance."
It regularly boasts about its improved downtown as a jewel in an urban renaissance.
Voinovich brought the city out of its major economic problems, bringing about a downtown revitalization and urban renaissance.
The report underscores an urban renaissance under way in many of the country's major metropolitan areas.
An urban renaissance has led people of means to stay put.
Overnight, Charlotte Street was transformed into a metaphor for urban renaissance.