These ancient cities were unique in that they often had drainage systems, seemingly tied to a well-developed ideal of urban sanitation.
According to the World Bank, urban sanitation is the least well addressed of major policy issues in Indonesia.
This led to a coherent policy framework for urban sanitation, under which substantial investments are being undertaken from 2010 onwards.
While urban water supply has received considerable policy attention, the government has no strategy for urban sanitation yet.
At home, improvements in urban sanitation and hygiene in hospitals were gradually raising health standards.
After its early battles with cholera, the city had focused on improving urban sanitation, introducing a clean water supply in 1842.
She was known as "America's housekeeper" for her efforts to improve urban sanitation.
Security through development would emphasize basic urban sanitation, potable water services, land distribution, agricultural assistance and micro-credit.
Farmers, recognizing the value of excreta, were eager to get these fertilizers to increase production and urban sanitation benefited.
In terms of background, financing and cost recovery for urban sanitation is a challenge throughout the world.