You just have to have to pony up about 300 bucks and be willing to live between a beautiful park and ungodly urban squalor.
He plays a street artist, just one of many downtrodden but not downhearted characters getting by as best they can amid the urban squalor.
Over-the-Rhine is accorded 15 minutes of dubious fame in the drug-drenched movie "Traffic," where it is put forward as the ultimate in urban squalor.
With little opportunity in the desperately poor rural areas they came from, many black miners stayed even as the jobs vanished, creating a new underclass that lived in urban squalor.
Over one half of the anticipated increase in the South's population will reside in cities many of which already suffer from urban squalor, high crime rates, vandalism and political unrest.
He always seems aloof emotionally from his depictions of urban squalor, adopting the often wry perspective of the outsider.
Openly bisexual, he wrote on subjects such as urban squalor, racial issues, bisexuality, drugs, anarchy, and "decadence."
She was first of all a reformer, an advocate of decent housing for the working-class poor, for whom she sought an escape from urban squalor.
Indeed, Knipl often seems like an anachronism walking through scenes of today's urban squalor.