The rappers reflect an attitude that developed over the past 20 years with the growth of the urban underclass.
The paper set out in diagrammatic form a view of the factors causing an urban underclass (see Figure 4. 1).
White fears of the urban underclass are distorted into broader stereotypes about blacks as a whole, which poison relations between the races at all levels.
And all this was complicated by the emergence of a substantial urban underclass, usually uneducated and often involved with drugs.
Studies concerning the post-civil rights African American ghetto often include a discussion of the urban underclass.
Much of the urban underclass is made up of street hustlers, welfare families, drug addicts, and former mental patients.
Some have characterized them as part of the urban underclass in the United States.
And their restaurants were located in areas that eventually became the urban underclass, which leads to a lowbrow profile.
Crime has converted white concern for the urban, mostly black underclass into fear and anger.
"It's not just a problem of what we call the urban underclass, which is where most of the dropout data are generated."