As these urban woes multiplied, the mayor seemed to be waging other battles.
The state has also become a haven for people who have fled the urban woes of California for the Northwest.
But in recent years as urban woes increased it has had to face up to its problems.
In Hartford, the state's poorest city and one long on urban woes and short on substantial cultural offerings, the Wadsworth is nonpareil.
It is a problem unlike the urban woes of cities like Detroit and Baltimore, where families have fled decaying neighborhoods, business areas and schools.
The visitors enjoyed the local handicrafts; the most successful was carving out a mythical image of Maine as a bucolic rustic haven from modern urban woes.
Behind the employment vacuum, Schenectady's urban woes come flooding in.
The questioners were relentlessly focused on issues, from gun control to free trade, from health care to urban woes.
Come Sunday afternoon, the church front boiled with traffic and unseemly jockeying for parking spots - familiar urban woes in Baroque dress.
Mostly, the students come to sixth or seventh grade from floundering neighborhood schools plagued by urban woes: poverty, drug abuse, fractured families.